- Hacking, I., 2004 "Between Michel Foucault and Erving Goffman: between discourse in the abstract and face-to-face interaction," Economy and Society, 33(3), 277-302.
- The title
- On the need
- Michael Lynch's critique
- An existentialist attitude
- Kinds of constraint
- Complementart accounts of 'making up people'
How is the space of possible and actual action determined not just by physical and social barriers and opportunities, but also by the ways in which we conceptualize and realize who we are and what we may be, in this here and now?
この問いに、ゴフマンとフーコーは 対照的な仕方で答えたよ。
- Who was Goffman
- Symbolic interactionism
- Anti-psyciatry
- Asylums
- Michel Foucault and totla institutions
- Labelling theory
- Reinventing the loop
- Sociology and archaeology
... what is completely omitted by Goffman is the question of
- how institutions come into being, and
- what organizations of thought and statemants have to do with our thinking of them as natural, as part more of the found order than the order of things made by people.
- What makes for the class of possible roles that a person can adopt at some place and time?
「ゴフマンは対面的相互行為をやっていたけど自分は...」という卓越化は めちゃめちゃヘン。
最後の主張、「What makes for the class of possible roles...」は、まさに「レリヴァンスを問う」ということではないですか(!)。