


Exclusion and Social-Cultural Identities

  • Urs Stäheli / Rudolf Stichweh: Introduction: Inclusion/Exclusion – Systems Theoretical and Poststructuralist Perspectives


  • Cornelia Bohn / Alois Hahn: Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion: Property, Nation and Religion
  • Friedrich Balke: Tristes Tropiques. Systems Theory and the Literary Scene
  • William Rasch: A Completely New Politics, or, Excluding the Political? Agamben's Critique of Sovereignty
  • Jonathan Elmer: Inclusion and Exclusion of the Indian in the Early American Archive
  • Oliver Marchart: On Drawing A Line. Politics and the Significatory Logics of Inclusion/Exclusion
  • Dirk Baecker: Lenin's Twist, or the R-Factor of Communication
  • Rudolf Stichweh: Strangers, Inclusions, and Identities
  • Urs Stäheli: Fatal Attraction? Popular Modes of Inclusion
  • Armin Nassehi: Exclusion Individuality or Individualization by Inclusion
  • Joseph Vogl: Inclusions: Concerning a theory and aesthetics of Police
SOZIALE SYSTEME - 8 (2002), H 1


The papers in this volume were delivered at the conference 'Incusion / Excusion and Socio-Cultural Identities' which was held at the 'Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies' (ZIF), University of Bielefeld, in March 2001.

ZIF のウェブサイトはこちら:


* 挙がってるのは、「Hall 1991; Hall / du Gay 1996; Butler 1990; 1993; 1997; Laclau 1996; Laclau / Mouffe 1984」、以下略。

The different contributions to this volume try to address these theoretical tensions* and they try to show exemplarily how processes of identity formation can be analysed in terms of inclusion and exclusion.



* システム論とポスト構造主義との間の「individuality」をめぐる見解の相違。

In this way, we hope to establish perspectives which would neither seem to conceptualize the de-construction of identity as an unexpected by-product of functional differentiation, nor society as something resulting above all from a battle for identities.

