SOZIALE SYSTEME - 8 (2002), H 1Exclusion and Social-Cultural Identities
- Urs Stäheli / Rudolf Stichweh: Introduction: Inclusion/Exclusion – Systems Theoretical and Poststructuralist Perspectives
- Cornelia Bohn / Alois Hahn: Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion: Property, Nation and Religion
- Friedrich Balke: Tristes Tropiques. Systems Theory and the Literary Scene
- William Rasch: A Completely New Politics, or, Excluding the Political? Agamben's Critique of Sovereignty
- Jonathan Elmer: Inclusion and Exclusion of the Indian in the Early American Archive
- Oliver Marchart: On Drawing A Line. Politics and the Significatory Logics of Inclusion/Exclusion
- Dirk Baecker: Lenin's Twist, or the R-Factor of Communication
- Rudolf Stichweh: Strangers, Inclusions, and Identities
- Urs Stäheli: Fatal Attraction? Popular Modes of Inclusion
- Armin Nassehi: Exclusion Individuality or Individualization by Inclusion
- Joseph Vogl: Inclusions: Concerning a theory and aesthetics of Police
The papers in this volume were delivered at the conference 'Incusion / Excusion and Socio-Cultural Identities' which was held at the 'Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies' (ZIF), University of Bielefeld, in March 2001.
* 挙がってるのは、「Hall 1991; Hall / du Gay 1996; Butler 1990; 1993; 1997; Laclau 1996; Laclau / Mouffe 1984」、以下略。
The different contributions to this volume try to address these theoretical tensions* and they try to show exemplarily how processes of identity formation can be analysed in terms of inclusion and exclusion.
In this way, we hope to establish perspectives which would neither seem to conceptualize the de-construction of identity as an unexpected by-product of functional differentiation, nor society as something resulting above all from a battle for identities.