Liebe als Passion. Zur Codierung von Intimitaet
- 作者: Niklas Luhmann
- 出版社/メーカー: Suhrkamp Verlag KG
- 発売日: 2003/11
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 1回
- この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る
- Niklas Luhmann, Liebe als Passion. Zur Codierung von Intimität, Suhrkamp, Ffm. ; ISBN: 3518067478 (1982)
- Translated by Jerremy Gaines and Doris L. Jones, Love As Passion: The Codification of Intimacy, Stanford Univ Pr; ISBN:0804732531, (1986)
- [03]【ゼマンティク/概念史】コゼレックたちの概念史によれば、18世紀第2四半期に、社会&時代記述のための基本的語彙のラディカルな変化が生じたという。
- Historians, however not explained the reasons for this transformation, but have merely confirmed that it did indeed occur.
- [04]【『考古学』】More over, the concept of power does not provide an adequate explanation for the force exerted by discourse over life, the empirical nature of which is also probably overestimated.
- [04]It seems to me that historical research needs a stronger theoretical basis with respect both to 'historical semantics' and the 'archeology of discourse".
- [05] 【知識社会学】知識社会学にも、やはり理論的基盤が欠けている。それは既に1920年代に行き詰まってしまっていた:
- マンハイム:「position」「relativity of being」
- 認識論的困難;[06] but in the end we would only come up against the paradoxes known to us ever since Antiquity as inherent in a Reason that tries to enlighten itself -- a process Foucault has attempted to undermine using the spade of archaeology.
- [07] But how are we to extricate ourselves from this embarrassing state of affairs? If none of this works, what can one do instead'?
- [14]
- The present case study serves to show that, while the stratified order and family systems remained intact, a semantics for love developed to accommodate extra-marital relationships, and was then transferred back into marriage itself, thus providing a basis for the latter's differentiation -- libertinage as a case of evolutionary good fortune, if you will.
- [15] 【象徴的に一般化されたコミュニケーションメディア】
- [16] 【触媒としてのメディア】
- this [=functional differentiation] takes place once a sufficiently effective semantics has become available by means of which one can distinguish between the use of money and the use of power, etc. (which, for example, was not possible on the basis of land ownership alone).