
死ぬ気で逝けーっ! もーがんがん買う。がんがん買っちゃう。はい。

Representation in Scientific Practice
M. Lynch and S. Woolgar
Introduction: Sociological orientations to representational practice in science
B. Latour
Drawing things together
P. Tibbetts
Representation and the realist-constructivist controversy
K. Amann and K. Knorr Cetina
The fixation of (visual) evidence
S. Woolgar
Time and documents in researcher interaction: Some ways of making out what is happening in experimental science
M. Lynch
The externalized retina: Selection and mathematization in the visual documentation of objects in the life sciences
F. Bastide
The iconography of scientific texts; principles of analysis
G. Myers
Every picture tell a story; Illustrations in E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology
J. Law and M. Lynch
Lists, field guides, and the descriptive organization of seeing: Birdwatching as an exemplary observational activity
L., A, Suchman
Representing practice in cognitive science
R. Amerine and J. Bilmes
Following instructions
S. Yearley
The dictates of method and policy; Interpretational structures in the representation of scientific work