



  • 赤515-1
  • 体裁=文庫判
  • 定価 735円(本体 700円 + 税5%)
  • 1976年4月16日
  • ISBN: 4-00-325151-2



ニクラス・ルーマン『パッシオンとしての恋愛』It is also noticeable in other respects - and specifically, always in direct relation to the problems of differentiation - that the efforts made in the salons and literature of French Classicism to cast and formulate a code for the communicative medium love rapidly pass their zenith. One has the impression that love ages with the king. Whereas it was fresh, easygoing, imaginative, daring and even frivolous around 1600, by 1690 it again falls subject to moral controls. What was once paradoxy, lightness or even frivolity is now distorted into something cynical, and soon becomes an object of rejection. And at the same time, a new literature on women emerges in which passionate love is not even mentioned; the novel also moves in this direction. In view of the devastating 'de'sordres de l'amour', the novel advises its readers to follow the example of the Princesse de Cl'eves and opt for renunciation and abstinence as a moral achievement - and as pleasure ! [chap07「ギャラントリから友愛へ」、7段落目]
