お買いもの:Bryant『Positivism in Social Theory and Research』

@tiseda さんに教えていただいたもの。しかし いつ読めばいいのか。

Positivism is Social Theory and Research (Traditions in Social Theory)

Positivism is Social Theory and Research (Traditions in Social Theory)

  • 1 Introduction: Positivism or Positivisms?
  • 2 The French Tradition of Positivism: From Positive Philosphy to Positive Polity
  • 3 The Disputes in Germany and Austria about Methods and Values in the Social Sciences: Part I
    From the Historical Economics to Weber
  • 4 The Disputes in Germany and Austria about Methods and Values in the Social Sciences: Part II
    The Vienna Circle and the Frankfurt School
  • 5 Instrumental Positivism in American Sociology
    • Introduction
    • Instrumental positivism
    • Lundberg: salvation through science
    • Lazarsfeld and the Columbia tradition
    • The People's Choice and abstracted empiricism
    • Instrumental positivism: further illustrations
    • Instrumental positivism: current strength and future prospects
  • 6 Conclusions: After Positivism?


1 Introduction: Positivism or Positivisms?

Kolakowski の「実証主義の4つの規則」

  • K1. The rule of phenomenalism
  • K2. The rule of nominalism
  • K3. The rule that refuses to call value judgements and normative statements knowledge
  • K4. Belief in the essential unity of the scientific method


  • G1. The methodological supposition that the procedures of natural science may be directly adapted to sociology
  • G2. The analytical supposition that the end-result of sociological investigations can be formulated as 'laws' or 'law-like' generalisations of the same kind as those established by natural scientists
  • G3. The practical assumption that sociology has a technical character

5 Instrumental Positivism in American Sociology