- 作者: Stephen Hester,David Francis
- 出版社/メーカー: Routledge
- 発売日: 2007/09/28
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 1回
- この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見る
- Preface.
Part 1
- Analysing orders of ordinary action, Stephen Hester and David Francis
- 4 relations between literatures of the social scientific movement and their specific ethnomethodological alternates, Harold Garfinkel
Part 2
- Studies of Social Organisation: Organisational levers of power, Wes Sharrock and Graham Button
- Operating together through videoconference: members' procedures for accomplishing a common space of action, Lorenza Mondada
- Doctors' practical management of knowledge in the daily case conference, Nozomi Ikeya and Mitsuhiro Okada
- Auspices of corpus status: bibliography as a phenomenon of respecification, Andrew Carlin
Part 3
- Studies of Situated Reasoning: Law courts as a perspicuous site for ethnomethodological investigations, Michael Lynch
- Circumstances of reasoning in the natural sciences, Eric Livingston
- Expert system technology in work practice: a report on service technicians and machine diagnosis, Erik Vinkhuyzen and Jack Whalen
- Thinking as a public activity: the local order of a Tibetan philosophical debate, Ken Liberman
- Cultures of reading: on professional vision and the lived work of mammography, Roger Slack, Mark Hartswood, Rob Proctor and Mark Rouncefield
- The 'problem of dust': forensic investigation as practice action, Robin Williams
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