Questia! Questia! で「Harvey Sacks」とか「Garfinkel Sacks」とか「Jeff Coulter」とか検索してもちっともヒットしない件。

「Michael Lynch」だとまぁまぁヒットする。が、別人多数。

ちなみに、たとえば『The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory』は登録されていて、ここ↓までは読めるのであった。

2 Human practices and the observability of the 'macro-social'
Jeff Coulter

Garfinkel's remarkably innovative vision of a mode of sociological analysis he termed 'ethnomethodology' 1 has in recent years become detached from its historical relationship to key issues in social theory, in large measure due to the success of the technical field of 'conversation analysis' which owes its genesis to many of his theoretical contributions. However, an abiding issue within ethnomethodology broadly conceived has been the nature of social order and social organization and the appropriate methods for investigating the properties of these phenomena. Among the primary problems confronted by contemporary social theorists has been the development of an adequate conceptual framework for the depiction of the nature of 'macro-social' phenomena. I submit in this essay that various theses advanced within ethnomethodology permit us to cast this issue in a novel fashion and enable us to approach some viable solutions to the problems which are generated by contemplations of the nature of macro-social phenomena and their relationship(s) to quotidian human conduct.

The 'micro-macro' linkage problem, as it is called in contemporary sociological theory, 2 is an issue which requires intensive logical analysis. However, notwithstanding various current treatments which it has received, I believe that a proper logical solution has not (yet) been forthcoming, and if it has, I am not aware of it. It is the purpose of this essay to argue for what I shall claim is a contribution to the solution of the core problems. Identifying what constitute the 'core problems' will itself require detailed discussion. In my view this must involve, and in the first instance, an analysis of the ontological problems arising out of a consideration of the nature of macro- (as well as micro) social phenomena, from the solution of which significant methodological implications may be derived. I have visited this issue before, 3 although this earlier treatment was almost certainly considered (by those whom it sought to engage) as merely a reiteration of what was then taken to be a conventional 'ethnomethodological' position. In what follows, I shall advance a series of arguments designed to show that the proper route to a solution to the 'micro-macro' relationship problem is to be found in a systematic elucidation of the logic of our ordinary practices (including our communicative practices) in our ordinary life circumstances. If this means

