

  • Michael Lynch, "A new disease of the intellect?: Some reflections on the therapeutic value of Peter Winch's phylosophy for social and cultural studies of science," in History of the Human Sciences vol.13 No.1 2000 pp.140-156

「Reassessing Winch」とまえがき。

科学社会学の分野でもたくさんの仕事をしている(らしい*) 重鎮マイケル・リンチ先生が2分で語るサイエンス・ウォーズ[p.152-3]。

* よく知らんが。ちなみにマートン賞も受賞している。


... Social studies of mathematics and science are often taken to challenge the very idea that mathematicians and physicists can solve their problems unequivocally, independent of any politics.


Presently, confusion about the meaning and implications of this challenge is rampant on both sides of the so-called 'science wars' (...).


The confusion has to do with whether such research challenges the methods and results of science 'itself', or whether it challenges an entrenched philosophical picture of scientific truth and method.


The confusion is deepened by the fact

a fact that is evident in the writings of several of the prominent spokespersons for 'science and reason'

that scientists themselves, when they philosophize about science sometimes adopt or unwittingly express traditional philosophical conceptions of truth and method.


As Ryle (1954: 75) pointed out in a brilliant essay in which he challenged abstract pronouncements about the 'world of science':

I am questioning nothing that any scientist says on weekdays in his working tone of voice. But I certainly am questioning most of what a very few of them say in an edifying tone of voice on Sundays.

Ryle's remark supplements Wittgenstein's image of 'language on holiday' by suggesting that when 'language' spends its Sundays in church it can take on self-righteous tones that are likely to vanish on Monday. Ryle, like Wittgenstein, recommends a more differentiated set of examples to counteract the thunder from the pulpit in favour of a monolithic Science and its Truth.

There is no such animal as "Science" ... There are scores of sciences. Most of these sciences are such that acquaintanceship with them or, what is even more captivating, hearsay knowledge about them has not the slightest tendency to make us contrast their world with the everyday world.

Ryle (1954)てのはこれ:

ジレンマ―日常言語の哲学 (双書プロブレーマタ (3-3))

ジレンマ―日常言語の哲学 (双書プロブレーマタ (3-3))

ところで参照されていた、Joan Fujimura という人の論文、ググったら pdf でヒットしたので一瞬喜んだのだが、読めるのはアブストラクトだけだった。