- Jeff Couter, Human practices and the observability of the 'macro-social', in Zeitschrift für Soziologie 25, October 5, 1996:337-45. → in The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory
1. 「マクロ社会的」現象 [p.30-33]
- how their properties could be conceptualized / to what their existence actually amounts [p.33]
2. マクロ現象の「観察可能性」 [p.33-36]
- selfmembershipping organizations / nonselfmembershipping organizations
- [ex. SPD, Oxford University] / [ex. gender, nations]
- [ex. SPD, Oxford University] / [ex. gender, nations]
- social orgnizations of categorical incumbency (の違い)15
↓ - membership categorization practices16
↓以下 MCD の解説- サックスの最初の区別: categorization of a person / relevantly correct categorization of a person(s)
- 例:「論文執筆」場面(or 活動)における自分を「父親」だとカテゴリー化するのは「operationally relevant」ではない。
- サックスの最初の区別: categorization of a person / relevantly correct categorization of a person(s)
Categorization and the Moral Order (International Library of Phenomenology & Moral Science)
- 作者: Lena Jayyusi
- 出版社/メーカー: Routledge Kegan & Paul
- 発売日: 1984/11/01
- メディア: ハードカバー
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
- 義務, 負担; 聖職禄保有牧師の地位[任期]; 〔古〕のしかかる重量(感).
- a.義務としてかかる 《on》; 在職中[現職]の; 〔古〕重くのしかかる, 横たわる, 寄りかかる, もたれかかる.
- n.(英国教会の)聖職禄保有牧師; 在職者 《特に現職議員》.
- ALCで「instantiation」を引いたら「インスタンス化」と載ってて泣いた。
- google:"Karol Woytyla"|"Karol Wojtyla" は ヨハネパウロ二世のこと。
[p.36] 誰かここ解説して いや、やっぱりいい。:
it really isn't 'Jane Doe' calling 'Jeff Coulter' when it is 'Bay Bank' calling me,
just as it really isn't 'Karol Woytyla' qua private citizen
who instantiates Catholicism on those occasions
when the enunciations are formally produced.Jane Doe, and Karol Woytyla, may say and do a host of things in their lives,
but only on occasionsbounded by specific sorts of rulesdo their saying/doings make relevant those categories
such as to instantiate the action of a collectivity.Armies can plan coups d'état, companies can fix prices, governments can declare wars,http://www.questia.com/read/109333910
and so forth, only insofar as the practices and praxis-relevant identities of persons,sometimes few and occasionally many,are recognizably invocable.
このあたりは『社会的システムたち』の(邦訳ISBN:4769907427/ISBN:4769908083) [313-6] / [536-8] あたり