


社会文化的アプローチの第一人者で、『心の声』(福村出版)、『行為としての心』北大路書房)、Voices of Collective Remembering など多数の出版物で知られる、ジェームス・ワーチ先生が講演をされます。ヴィゴツキーバフチンの基本的アイディアの紹介から、現在研究されている集合的な記憶研究までを含めて、社会文化的な研究の基礎について話をして下さいます。どうぞふるって御参加下さい。

  • 講演:James Wertsch(Professor, Department of Education, Washington University)
  • 日時:2004年8月16日(月曜日) 午後3時より
  • 場所:筑波大学付属学校教育局 G501室東京都文京区大塚3-29-1(地下鉄丸ノ内線茗荷谷駅徒歩3分)
  • 演題:Fundamentals of Sociocultural Studies
  • 通訳:當眞千賀子氏
  • 参加費:2000円
  • 定員:100名(先着順)
  • 申し込み:参加希望の方は茂呂(筑波大)NOSPAM_ymoro@human.tsukuba.ac.jpまで必ず御連絡下さい。
    • なお、この案内は転載自由です。関係の方々に回覧願えれば幸いです。

  • James Wertsch先生紹介
    • James V. Wertsch is Professor and Chair of the Department of Education, and Professor in the Program on Social Thought and Analysis at Washington University in St. Louis. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1975 and spent the following year in Moscow working with the neuropsychologist A.R. Luria and other figures before joining the Department of Linguistics at Northwestern University. Wertsch was on the faculty of the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego until 1987 and then spent 1987-88 as the Belle van Zuilen Chair of Arts and Letters at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. From 1988 to 1995 he was a professor of the Department of Psychology at Clark University. During his time at Clark he spent the 1992-93 academic year as professor of the Department of Psychology at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. In 1995 he joined the faculty of Washington University, where he holds appointments in the Program on Social Thought and Analysis, the International Studies Program, the Program on Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychology, and the Department of Psychology, as well as in the Department of Education. Among his publications are: Vygotsky and the Social Formation of Mind (Harvard University Press, 1985); Voices of the Mind: A Sociocultural Approach to Mediated Action (Harvard University Press, 1991); Mind as Action (Oxford University Press, 1998), and Voices of Collective Remembering (Cambridge University Press, in press). His research is concerned with language, thought, and culture, with a special focus on the role of textual means for the formation of identity.
  • 会場案内:筑波大学付属学校教育局 G501室東京都文京区大塚3-29-1(地下鉄丸ノ内線茗荷谷駅徒歩3分)地図は以下のURLを参照して下さい。http://www.counsel.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp/campus/access.html
    • 建物ですが、傾斜地に立っていて、すこし複雑です。守衛所から直進して建物にお入り下さい。これはE館の1階です。そのまま、廊下を直進して下さい。途中で左手に階段があり案内板が見えます。そこからG館の3階になります。階段を昇って、G館5階へおいで下さい。
